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Palmistry, otherwise Know as a palm reading is the practice of looking into a person life or future looking and analyzing the palms of their hands. If you would like to know more about yourself a palm reading is a interesting way to do so. As psychic Sarah looks into the palm of your hand she is able to reveal where you have been and where you are and where you are going. The lines in your palm of your hands will reveal what your Past Present and Future it also can reveal your positive and negatives energy around you. With a palm reading you can also ask questions.
The Tarot Cards will answer all of our questions in all aspect of your life. She will be able to set your mind at rest cause you will know where you are going in the future. Spiritual Reader Miss White will guide you on the right path to a better future. The Tarot Cards are the oldest and frequently used tools in todays readings. The Tarot Cards consist of 78 cards. Which are broken up in to 2 different parts. The first part of 22 cards are ( GREATER MEANING ) And deals with the more major parts of your life. And the remaining 56 cards are secondary cards which deal with your every day life. The card links to four elements That are very important when doing a tarot card reading. They help in clarify where you been, Where you are, and where you are going. the different of the 4 elements are.
CUPS: Is water – love – emotions – friendship
PENTACLES: Is earth stability finances – practicality possessions.
SWORDS: Is fire – energy – will – temper – testing.
WANDS: Is air – intellect – logic – reason – skill – knowledge problems.
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A Crystal readings is a great way to get clarity and understanding on any issues that you are experiencing. The stones offer messages and are tools to assist us in bringing balance to your lives. How It Works Crystal readings are similar to other forms of readings, like Tarot . Crystals can explain the now and the future, A crystal reading also can measure your energy points for positive and negative what your bodies putting out and what energy is attracting They are more focuses on the current moment, the here and now, and to offer guidance on showing up for your own life and creating the outcomes you desire. Crystal energy readings are an empowering, transformational, and spiritual approach to rediscover your personal power and let go of what no longer serves you.
There’s nothing quite like a spiritual reading by a proven professional like Chicago Psychic Reader. Centrally located at 4811 N Ashland Ave., we provide in-person readings as well as phone readings.
A true Psychic can focus on your life by tapping into your inner spirit With meditation and reaching a different spiritual level of control. A Psychic is recommend when a person is seeking help and guides in ones self or others. If you are bother with not reaching your full potential. If there is a wall around you that makes you feel that you go one step forward and two steps back? Are you felling an energy force greater then yourself that you can not over come no matter what you try. Your spiritual guide has guided you to my website for spiritual help and guides.
A love Reading will focus on your love life, it will tell you does he/she love you? Are they thinking of you? Do they miss you? Do they have someone else? Are the coming back to me? when will I fine love? and more it will answer all your questions with true and understanding answers call to day for your love readings.
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